Why is SteadyPoint helpdesk displayed as a Free application on Microsoft store?

Why is SteadyPoint helpdesk displayed as a Free application on Microsoft store?

Our app is marked as “Free” on the Microsoft store as Microsoft Policy. Microsoft Policy states that any app that doesn’t proceed payments through Microsoft are marked as Free. However, if payments are made through Microsoft, app prices are displayed.
What happens if I go over my subscription user limit?

What happens if I go over my subscription user limit?

You will receive a notification informing you that you have surpassed the number of users registered. Therefore, you will need to contact sales@steadypoint.net to add any additional users to your package.
What office 365 plan do I need to use Helpdesk?

What office 365 plan do I need to use Helpdesk?

Any plan that contains the SharePoint service. For example Enterprise plans: E1, E3, or E5. Small Business: Business Premium or Business Essentials. Education plans: A1, A3 or A5.
Do you have a free version?

Do you have a free version?

No, we do not offer a free version. However, we do offer affordable prices and packages.